Investigative Stories

Harka Sampang’s house of cards
Dharan elected him after being fed up with old political parties and bureaucrats but the new mayor’s list of misdeeds...
Lessons still not learnt
By banning women from going to the Gulf, the government continues to put them at a higher risk of exploitation...
While hydropower operators enjoy benefits, investors are left emty-handed
The public investment in the hydropower sector is at risk due to the lack of institutional good governance and operators’...
Malnutrition hasn’t abated in Karnali despite huge investments
As many as 16 programmes that aim to curb malnutrition among children are currently ongoing in the province. A total...
Nepal’s queer Dalits face double discrimination
While queer Nepalis have been facing social ostracization and violence for long, the Dalits among them face even worse.
In Myagdi, authorities remain mum on the face of labour exploitation
Labourers who have worked on big projects in Myagdi haven’t got their wages. On the face of this exploitation, public...
Women Empowerment
Gandaki’s Giant Leap Forward
With remittance and tourism supplementing strong agricultural foundations, villages of Gandaki have transformed in just a decade and a half....
policy corruption
Nepal’s parliamentarians appoint personal secretaries arbitrarily, flouting law
Many parliamentarians have appointed personal secretaries who do not fulfill the qualifications mandated by law. This has not just flouted...
Rampant corruption in the construction of hi-tech nurseries in Karnali
Millions were allocated for the construction of 23 hi-tech nurseries in Karnali but five years on, the funds have been...
Justice Delayed: How Nepal’s Justice System is Failing Crime Victims
Despite Nepal's constitution recognizing crime victims' rights as fundamental, the criminal justice system remains far from victim-friendly. Victims still endure...
The corruption of travel allowance budget
In the fiscal year of 2022/23, seven arba thirty crore 84 lakhs rupees was used under the headings of travel,...
At Nepal’s community schools, politicking takes precedence over educational development
School management committees across the country have turned into tools to exercise power. As a result, corruption and irregularities abound,...
Human Trafficking
How Nepali youths are being trafficked to serve in the Russian army
The Nepal government has neither punished the traffickers pushing Nepali youths to fight the Ukraine war nor has it been...
Nepal government is ignoring the plights of sickle cell patients
While the number of sickle cell patients keeps on rising, the government appears indifferent to the disease’s impacts. As the...